
Check out some albums on spay and neuter initiatives around the world:

Prevent Another Litter Subsidy (PALS) Program, Edmonton Humane Society

Operation Potcake, Bahamas, 2013

Ambato, Ecuador, 2013

Ambato, Ecuador, 2012

Ambato, Ecuador, 2011

Soul Dog spay/neuter in Farmington, New Mexico

Science 100 in Jasper. Science 100: Integrated Science is a unique first year program for students in the Faculty of Science. With a small class size we use discovery learning and other innovative instruction to provide a fabulous learning environment - while also learning about teaching and learning in Science!
Galapagos with Animal Balance. Cats and dogs are endemic species and Animal Balance is helping to control over population.
Rwanda. A transformative trip to Rwanda to teach animal husbandry and help with the Udder Project.
Galapagos Islands. A few pictures from my dream trip to see evolution in action.
More horse pictures. These are pictures of Scott and his fabulous young rider's horse, Wally, who died after a long illness in 2004.
Horse pictures. Here's some pictures of my son, Scott and some older horse pictures.
Scrappy's First Day. When Scrappy joined the family.
Christmas, 2002.
Puppy pictures. Early puppy pictures of Taiga.
Italy. I got to take my Dad to Italy for his 80th birthday. What a wonderful experience!







Department of Psychology – University of Alberta