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Individual and Social Behaviour | ![]() |
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Personality and Social Processes Courses
We are social beings. Our behaviour is influenced by the behaviour of others.
But not all individuals are alike; our unique personalities affect our behaviour and the behaviour of others around us.
Here are some of the courses on personality and social psychology that we offer
in the department; not all courses are offered each year so check the University Calendar.
PSYCO 233 - Personality This course will attempt an explication of the basic forms of personality theory - with the emphasis on a critical and comparative appreciation of them. Implications for psychological assessment and personal understanding and change may be discussed, along with more recent research developments. Prerequisites: PSYCO 104 and PSYCO 105.
PSYCO 241 - Social Psychology The course is designed to introduce you to the major areas of social psychology. It is a review of theory and research about the basic topics from social psychology: Attribution, social cognition, attitudes, interpersonal attraction, groups, helping, etc. It is also hoped that you gain: (a) an understanding of how social psychologists conduct research; (b) an awareness of how ourselves and our acts depend upon, and fit into, social psychological processes; and (c)) a sense of how social psychological theory and research methods can be applied. The course will be primarily in a lecture format, with some discussion. From time to time, you will have an in-class demonstration or film. Prerequisites: PSYCO 104 and PSYCO 105.
PSYCO 405 - Special Topics in Psychology II Topic: Dreaming This course will provide an overview of dream studies, as well as an
opportunity to examine carefully a selected topic within the area. The
overview will cover the psychobiology of dreaming, dreaming and cognition,
content analysis of dreams, personality and dreaming, therapeutic dream
use, and dreams and culture. In the second part of the course, the instructor
will discuss in depth the aesthetic and expressive functions of dreams.
In their written work, students will be expected to carefully review studies
of a selected topic in the area. Prerequisites: PSYCO 104, 105,
STAT 151 (or former PSYCO 211), and a 300 level psychology course.
PSYCO 431- Theory and Practice of Psychometrics This course aims to provide an overview of theories, principles, and applications of psychological testing and assessment. The focus is on standardized psychological tests in the areas of intelligence, aptitude, personality, interests, attitudes and values. In addition, recent advances in psychological assessment including behavioural assessment, clinical neuropsychology and testing in health-care settings will be discussed. The major theoretical issues discussed are reliability, validity, norms and the interpretation of test scores. Controversial issues relating to misuse of tests, social and ethical implications, and diagnostic use of assessment techniques are critically examined. The laboratory component of the course aims to provide: (1) experience in administration and scoring of major standardized group tests, (2) knowledge of statistical methods for determining reliability and validity of test data, and (3) experience in test construction. This course does not provide laboratory experience in individual intelligence tests and projective techniques, although a thorough discussion of these tests is presented in the lectures. Prerequisites: STAT 151 (or former PSYCO 211) and PSYCO 339 or consent of the department.
PSYCO 436- Psychology of Self-Estrangement A critical examination of some fundamental psychological and social-psychological concepts, such as alienation, dissociation, self-deception, and self-estrangement. The focus of the course is to understand these concepts within such perennial dichotomies as mind-body, subjective-objective, thought-action, and individual-collective. The objective of the course is to understand the personal and communal narratives we tell about the course of our lives. Prerequisites: PSYCO 233 and 339.
PSYCO 443- Social Cognition Advanced treatment of topics in the study of how we think about the world of persons and events. Topics may include the role of categories, schemas, theories, and heuristics in social cognition, factors underlying the stereotyping of persons and groups, and the question of motivated bias in social perception. Prerequisites: STAT 151 (or former PSYCO 211) and PSYCO 241.
PSYCO 493 Phenomenology and Psychological Research An intensive study of methods for investigating variations in self-reported experience. The development, use, and validation of methods for studying self-reported experience in psychological research will be stressed. Prerequisites: STAT 151 (or former PSYCO 211), and either 436 or 495.
PSYCO 495 - Psychology of Aesthetics An introduction to psychological analyses of aesthetic experience and artistic creativity, emphasizing theory and research. Several arts will be used to illustrate conceptual and empirical issues, including painting, music, and literature. The contribution of aesthetic experience to personal and social development will be discussed. Prerequisites: PSYCO 104 and 105.
PSYCO 496 / PSYCO 498 - Individual Research A course designed to allow the senior undergraduate student the opportunity to pursue a research topic in greater depth than the classroom structure permits. This pursuit may take the form of directed reading, library research, and/or laboratory experience. A formal paper, research proposal, research report, annotated bibliography, lab notes, and/or essay is required. Prerequisites: A 300-level psychology course and consent of the Department.