What is the purpose of this Internet supplement?
This Internet supplement was developed to help you explore different
topics in introductory psychology in greater depth.
How do I use this supplement?
Click on the icons to get to the different parts of the supplement:
The Lecture Notes, identified by ,
are rather standard for psychology courses in our department. Many
students print these notes out before the class to make note taking easier.
The Sites to Visit, identified by ,
focus on some aspects of the topic in a lot of detail. There are
two to three sites to visit for each topic. These sites to visit
have critical thinking exercises with them. Read the question and
visit the site while thinking about the question. Discuss the question
in your discussion group, identified by .
You will be expected to summarize one of your discussions for each topic
as part of your Sites to Visit assignment. There are also Some
other interesting sites you may want to check out... just because
they are interesting. But there is no critical thinking exercise
associated with these other interesting sites.
Reading the Research, identified by ,
is a special site to visit. It is designed to help you read the research
article you have been assigned. You can get help in working through Reading
the Research by clicking on the
icon in that module.
Meet the Psychologist, identified by ,
introduces you to the faculty in our department. The Department of
Psychology conducts fascinating research in many areas that you are studying.
Check out some of the research going on in the department.
Evaluation surveys are identified by .
Since intro.psych is an experimental course, we are conducting an intensiveevaluation
of the different components. Please complete the online survey at
the beginning of the term, for each Site to Visit, for Other Sites to Visit
for each topic, for each Reading the Research, and at the end of the term.
Check News and Announcements regularly to find out late breaking
news that is important for the class. The Syllabus is also available
on-line. You can also look at sample exam items and check your scores by
clicking on the exam links. Finally, check out Hangman for psychologists
and Psychology humor when you get a chance.
Click the Back button on your browser to go back to where you
came from or clic on the big 105 icon at the top to get back to
the Home page.