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Midterm Examination 1

The first Midterm is Wednesday, February 3
30 multiple choice questions
20 questions are based on the text/lecture, 10 questions are based on Sites to Visit


Recognize which research design (experiment, correlation, descriptive study) can address a specific research questions.

Identify specific data collection methods used in a research example.

Define correlation.

Recognize properties of correlations.

Define reliability, sensitivity, validity.

Identify different sources of bias.

Identify ways in which bias and error can be controlled.

Identify procedures used to ensure the safety and protection of the researcher and research participant.

Recognize the function of the different parts of an informed consent document.

Human Intellect

Distinguish psychometric, information processing, neuropsychological, and ecological approaches to understanding intelligence.

Recognize different definitions and components of intelligence

Identify arguments as reflecting a nature or a nurture perspective of intelligence.

Recognize the historical context of eugenics practices in Alberta.

Define deductive and inductive reasoning.

Compare/contrast algorithm, heuristic.

Distinguish Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia in terms of brain and behavioral dysfunction.

Identify features of speech that are important for language comprehension.

Cognitive and Social Development

Identify nature, nurture, and interactionist perspectives of language acquisition.

Define critical period as it relates to language acquisition.

Identify hallmarks that characterize Piaget's different stages of cognitive development.

Identify components of the information processing system that undergo development.

Recognize different strategies that can be used to solve combination problems.

Compare/contract Piagetian and information processing perspectives of cognitive development.

Compare/contrast Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives of cognitive development.

Compare cognitive and social development.

IRecognize the developmental functions of play.

Define gender identity.

Recognize ways in which Kohlberg's theory can be used to explain adolescent idealism.

Identify relationships between the myth of invulnerability and use of birth control.

Identify relationships between gender differences in desire for uncommitted sex and use of birth control.

You are not responsible for 

  • Learning, in Infancy, About the Physical World
  • Infancy: Using Caregivers as a Base for Growth
  • Adulthood:  Finding Satisfaction in Love and Work
Sample Questions
Objective: Define correlation.

A correlation of -0.75 indicates 

a strong relationship between two variables where one variable increases as the other decreases. 
a weak relationship between two variables where one variable increases as the other decreases. 
a strong relationship between two variables where once decreases and the other deceases. 
a weak relationship between two variables where once decreases and the other deceases.

Objective:  Define critical period as it relates to language acquisition.

Research indicating that second languages are learned more easily and show similar lateralization in the brain when they are learned early in development supports 

nature as determining language acquisition. 
nurture as determining language acquisition. 
critical periods in language acquisition. 
the notion that language cannot be acquired in a social vacuum

Objective: Identify the developmental functions of play.

According to Vygotsky, the most important function of play is that is 

promotes spontaneity and creativity. 
provides a time of relaxation and release for children, who outside of play experience considerable pressure to learn and become socialized. 
allows children to express deep, unconscious wishes and conflicts and thereby helps to alleviate emotional problems. 
gives children a context for learning about rules and social roles.