Cognitive and Social Development: Sites to Visit 
Development of Thought: What Stage Are You At?
Complete this Psychology in Focus module that accompanies Gray.
This interactive module compares the Piagetian and information processing
approaches to understanding the development of thought. Compare/contrast
the two perspectives. How did you approach the combination of chemicals
problem? According to each perspective, how might an adolescent or
a child approach the problem?
Birth Control
This birth control module was developed by the University of Alberta Health
Unprotected sex is common among high school and university students.
Why? Is there information in this software that might convince you to use
birth control? Given what you know about the myth of invulnerability and
about gender differences in desire for uncommitted sex, what additional
information or other approach might convince adolescents to use birth control?
Young adults?
Some other interesting sites you may want to check out... 
Canadian Parents On-Line
This is a large site with lots of interesting information for parents,
discussion groups, chat rooms, on-line shopping and more. It has Canadian
content as well!
Interactive Pregnancy Calendar
This site provides information about conception and pregnancy. You
can enter a date of conception and see how the embryo/fetus develops day-by-day.
Not for the faint of heart!
Internet Sleuthing Game
This is an interactive detective game for children developed by the
Association for the Promotion and Advancement of Science Education (APASE),
Vancouver, B.C. It is also fun for adults.
Imaginary Companion Questionnaire
Have you every had an imaginary friend? These Canadian and American
researchers would like you to answer a short questionnaire.
Science is for Girls
This site is intended to help girls become involved in science and
to overcome the attitude that science is more for boys than girls.
Gray Website
Pull down to Chapters 11 and 12 to review concepts for this topic.
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