Week 2 Overheads

Egocentric and Geocentric Coordinates

Egocentric Geocentric Combinations Egocentric Example





Flies landing on walls

Insect Odometers

Burkhalter (1972)

Optic Flow

Retinal image Speed Elevation

Retinal Image Size

Size of objects on retina Distance estimation Apparent size Developmental factor?

Range Lines

Digger wasps


Geometric relations between landmarks Hoverflies

Take this link to a picture of an early man-made hoverfly.

Route Fidelity

Saves on landmark memorization Central place foragers e.g., Formica rufa Collett, Dillmann, Giger, & Wehner (1992)

Path Integration

Change in velocity over time Need

Celestial Cues for Orientation

Polarized light Invertebrate eyes Rule needed

Honeybee Waggle Dance

Identifies food source Figure eight form Straight line component

Waggle dance rules
  1. Use sun as cellestial cue
  2. Pick further from the sun
  3. Pick to the right of the sun

Time Sense

Endogenous and exogenous clocks Bees Renner (1960)

Sun's Movement

Compensate for change in solar angle across time
  1. To move in a straight line
  2. Sun's anglular velocity = 15 degrees/hr
  3. Sun's azimuth velocity variable
Renner (1960) Wehner & Lanfranconi (1981) Gould (1980)
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