Week 12 Overheads

Pre-Industrial Human Navigation

The Drinking Gourd

Southern USA slave song

Oral tradition

Celestial navigation


Puluwat Navigation

26 foot sailing cannoes

500 mile voyages

Features specific to Caroline Islands

Waves, wind, clouds, stars, sun, moon, birds, fish, and water

Dead Reckoning System

Three phases:
  1. Initial course plan and heading
  2. En-route course and position keeping
  3. Homing on destination

Celestial Cues

Near equator

Star compass

32 bearings defined by navigation stars


Accurate (to a point)

Each island associated with a navigation star

Star courses given in pairs


Reefs Waves
  1. Big wave
    • Steep, short, distinctive
    • Regularly from east
  2. North wave
    • Long swelling wave
    • From north-east
  3. South wave
    • Weak, irregular
    • From east-south-east
Sun Seabirds

The Navigators



Islands, mythical animals, reefs, imaginary islands

Navigators use metaphores


Gives distance to destination

Divides journey into segments

Etaks can be different lengths

Line canoe up with reference island ... each island passed is another etak.

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