Psychology 403 Class Readings
This list subject to change up to and including the day of the first class.
Note: The location of each reading is indicated at the end of each listing. (text) indicates that the reading is located in the course text (i.e., Journal of Experimental Biology, volume 199) and (reserve room) indicates that the reading has been placed on file in the Cameron Library Reserve Room (filed under F-403).
Required Readings
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Week 12, Week 13.
Recommended Readings
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Week 12, Week 13.
Week 1
Week 2
- Esch, H.E. and Burns, J.E. (1996) Distance estimation by foraging honeybees. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 155-162. (text)
- Wehner, R. (1996) Middle-scale navigation: the insect case. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 125-127. (text)
- Wehner, R., Michel, B., and Antosen, P. (1996) Visual navigation in insects: coupling of egocentric and geocentric information. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 129-140. (text)
- Zeil,J., Kelber, A., and Voss, R. (1996) Structure and function of learning flights in ground-nesting bees and wasps. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 245-252. (text)
Week 3
- Lohmann, K.J. and Lohmann, C.M.F. (1996) Orientation and open-sea navigation in sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 73-81. (text)
- Galea,L.A.M., Kavaliers, M., and Ossenkopp, K.-P. (1996) Sexually dimorphic spatial learning in meadow voles Microtus pennsylvanicus and deer mice Peromyscus maniculatus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 195-200. (text)
- Walcott Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 21-27. (text)
Week 4
- Bennett, A.T.D. (1996) Do animals have cognitive maps? Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 219-224. (text)
- Etienne,A.S., Maurer, R. and Seguinot, V. (1996) Path integration in mammals and its interaction with visual landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 201-209. (text)
- Gallistel, C.R. and Cramer, A.E. (1996) Computations on metric maps in mammals: getting oriented and choosing a mulit-destination route. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 211-217. (text)
- Menzel, R., Geiger, K., Chittka, L., Joerges, J., Kunze, J., and Muller, U. (1996) The knowledge base of bee navigation. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 141-146. (text)
- Tolman, E.C. (1948) Cognitive maps in rats and men. Psychological Review, 55: 189-208. (reserve room)
Week 5
- Biegler, R. and Morris, R.G.M. (1996) Landmark stability: studies exploring whether the perceived stability of the environment influences spatial representation. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 187-193. (text)
- Collett, T.S. (1996) Insect navigation en route to the goal: multiple strategies for the use of landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 227-235. (text)
- Spetch, M.L. & Mondloch, M.V. (1993) Control of pigeons' spatial search by graphic landmarks in a touch-screen task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 19: 353-372. (reserve room)
Week 6
- Dyer, F.C. (1996) Spatial memory and navigation by honeybees on the scale of the foraging range. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 147-154. (text)
- Wehner, R. (1984) Astrogation in insects. Annual Review of Entomology, 29: 277-288. (reserve room)
Week 7
- Able, K.P. (1996) The debate over olfactory navigation by homing pigeons. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 121-124. (text)
- Dittman, A.H. and Quinn, T.P. (1996) Homing in Pacific salmon: mechanisms and ecological basis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 83-91. (text)
- Wallraff, H.G. (1996) Seven themes on pigeon homing deduced from empirical findings. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 105-111. (text)
- Wiltschko, R. (1996) The function of olfactory input in pigeon orientation: Does it provide navigational information or play another role? Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 113-119. (text)
Week 8
- Holler, P. (1995) Orientation by the bat Phyllostomus discolor (Phyllostomidae) on the return flight to its resting place. Ethology, 100: 72-83. (reserve room)
- Hammer, C.E., Jr. and Au, W.W.L. (1980) Porpoise echo-recognition: An analysis of controlling target characteristics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 68: 1285-1293. (reserve room)
Week 9
- Korall, H. & Martin, H. (1987) Responses of bristle field sensilla in Apis mellifica to geomagnetic and astrophysical fields. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 161: 1-22. (reserve room)
- Walker, M.M., Kirschvink, J.L., Ahmed, G., and Dizon, A.E. (1992) Evidence that fin whales respond to the geomagnetic field during migration. Journal of Experimental Biology, 171: 67-78.
- Wiltschko, W. and Wiltschko, R. (1996) Magnetic orientation in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 29-38. (text)
Week 10
- McNaughton, B.L., Barnes, C.A., Gerrard, J.L., Gothard, K., Jung, M.W., Knierim, J.J., Kudrimoti, H., Qin, Y., Skaggs, W.E., Shuster, M., and Weaver, K.L. (1996) Deciphering the hippocampal polyglot: the hippocampus as a path integration system. . Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 173-185. (text)
- Save, E., Poucett, B., Foreman, N., & Buhot, M.-C. (1992) Object exploration and reactions to spatial and nonspatial changes in hooded rats following damage to parietal cortex or hippocampal formation. Behavioral Neurosciences, 106: 447-456. (reserve room)
- Sherry, D.F. and Duff, S.J. (1996) Behavioural and neural bases of orientation in food-storing birds. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 165-171. (text)
Week 11
- Alerstam, T. (1996) The geographical scale factor in orientation of migrating birds. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 9-19. (text)
- Klassen, M. (1996) Metabolic constraints on long-distance migration in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 57-64. (text)
- Papi, F. and Luschi, P. (1996) Pinpointing 'Isla Meta': The case of sea turtles and albatrosses. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 65-71. (text)
Week 12
- Cornell, E.H., Heth, C.D., & Alberts, D.M. (1994) Place recognition and way finding by children and adults. Memory and Cognition, 22: 633-643. (reserve room)
- Cornell, E.H., Heth, C.D., Kneubuhler, Y., & Sehgal, S. (1996) Serial position effects in children's route reversal errors: Implications for police search operations. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 10: 301-326. (reserve room)
Week 13
- Benhamou, S. (1994) Spatial memory and searching efficiency. Animal Behavior, 47: 1423-1433. (reserve room)
- Cartwright, B.A. & Collett, T.S. (1987) Landmark maps for honeybees. Biological Cybernetics, 57: 85-93. (reserve room)
Recommended Readings
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
- No recommended readings...yet.
Week 4
- Dyer, F.C. & Gould, J.L. (1983) Honey bee navigation. American Scientist, 71: 587-597. (reserve room)
- Gallistel, C.R. (1990) Representations in animal cognition: An introduction. Cognition, 37: 1-22. (reserve room)
- Gould, J.L. (1986) The locale map of honey bees: Do insects have cognitive maps? Science, 232: 861-863. (reserve room)
- Gould, J.L. (1990) Honey bee cognition. Cognition, 37: 83-103.
- Wehner, R., Bleuler, S., Nievergelt, C., Shah, D. (1990) Bees navigate by using vectors and routes rather than maps. Naturwissenschaften, 77: 479-482. (reserve room)
Week 5
- Cheng, K. & Sherry, D.F. (1992) Landmark-based spatial memory in birds (Parvus atricapillus and Columba livia): The use of edges and distance to represent spatial positions. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 106: 331-341. (reserve room)
- Lehrer, M. (1996) Small-scale navigation in the honeybee: active acquisition of visual information about the goal. Journal of Experimental Biology, 199: 253-261 (text)
Week 6
- Wehner, R. (1987) 'Matched filters' - neural models of the external world. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 161: 511-531. (reserve room)
- Wehner, R. (1976) Polarized-light navigation by insects. Scientific American, 235: 106-115. (reserve room)
Week 7
- No recommended readings...yet.
Week 8
- Moiseff, A. (1989) Biaural disparity cues available to the barn owl for sound localization. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 164: 629-636.
Week 9
- No recommended readings...yet.
Week 10
- No recommended readings...yet.
Week 11
- No recommended readings...yet.
Week 12
- No recommended readings...yet.
Week 13
- No recommended readings...yet.
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