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The laboratory notes are intended to provide a record of each week's project. We'd like you to consider the notes as if they were reports to be presented to a weekly research conference; the members of the conference are your scientific colleagues who must assess:
- what you were interested in and why;
- what you have done procedurally;
- what you have found; and
- what you would conclude.
Your notes should provide them with this information in a clear and cogent way.
- A presentation of the issue under examination.
- A rationale for the issue.
- Background literature.
- Relationship to other problems or topics.
- A description of the subjects used.
- A specification of the apparatus.
- A complete but concise description of the procedure.
- An appropriate description of the data.
- Statistical tests or summaries.
- When useful, supporting documentation such as tables or graphs.
- An evaluation and interpretation of the results.
- A statement of any conclusions to be drawn.
- A discussion of any problems or limiations of the study.
- Suggestions for future research.
The report should be clearly written; style will count in our assessment. We will accept handwritten notes, but will consider legibility of the writing as a component of readability and style.
Page Created: 18 January 1999 Last updated: 27 January 1999
Michael R. Snyder <>