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Psyco 482: Methods of Behaviour and Learning:
The "Rat Lab"
Winter Term 1999
Course Description
This is a course on the methods used to study behaviour change in the laboratory. We will examine several different paradigms of learning and will discuss their conceptual foundations, their laboratory methodologies, and some of their statistical analysis. A special feature of this course is that students have the opportunity to work with laboratory animals and to conduct the kinds of experiments that form part of our knowledge of learning processes.
Dr. Don Heth
Office: P-455
Phone: (403) 492-2662
Office hours: by appointment
Teaching Assistant
Michael Snyder
Office: P-545
Phone: (403) 492-5325
Office hours: Friday 1300-1400
Course Information
Take this link for General Course Information, covering topics including, course objectives, requirements, student evalutation, etc.
Course Readings
There are weekly readings required in this course. Take this link to see the Reading List.
Laboratory Exercises
There are ten studies that are carried out by students during this course. Take this link for detailed information on the Exercises.
There is a lot of information on the internet relating to behaviour and learning. Here are some Links to a few of them.
On-line Questionaire
We are going to use on-line forms to get feedback from the students regarding their expectations, wants, and opinions about this course and the web site that supports it. Please take this link to the On-line Form.
Discussion Groups
Take this link to reach the On-line Discussion Forum for this course.
This web site uses a number of icons to indicate where links will take a user. Take this link to see an Icon Key. In addition, there are a fair number of images included in this web site. This link will take you to a listing of the Site Images.
Site Created: 19 November 1998 Last updated: 21 March 1999
Site maintained by: Michael R. Snyder <>