The course will be conducted as follows: The formal laboratory session is on Monday, from 1200 to 1550. Each Monday, we will examine a particular laboratory paradigm. There will be a short lecture/discussion of the procedure involved, special problems will be mentioned, and possible methods of analysis will be presented. Then, we will conduct a laboratory exercise based on that procedure. Each pair of students will be assigned a rat for these exercises, and is responsible not only for the careful conduct of the individual exercises, but also for the rat's maintenance on the weekdays in between. Careful notes must be kept on the procedure and the results. A report of these results must be submitted no later than the beginning of class on the Monday following the exercise.
As mentioned, students are responsible for the maintenance of their rats from Tuesday to Friday. This responsibility will mean giving the rat a one-hour feeding session in the afternoon. During this time, either the instructor or teaching assistant will be available for consultation regarding questions of technique or analysis.
In addition to the laboratory excercises, a written term paper will form part of the course. The paper is to be a proposal for an experiment using one of the techniques discussed in the course. It should contain a review of the relevant literature, a specific description of the method, and an outline of the way the results are to be analyzed. It myst be typed in APA style, and be a maximum of 15 pages. It is due on March 26.
There is also a final examination, to be held on the date assigned by the Registrar. The exam will be partly "take home" in that the problem area will be specified beforehand.