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  June 1998 -- and Sensation 

Sniffing and Smelling

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Sobel, N., Prabhakaran, V., Desmond, J.E., Glover, G.H., Goode, R.L., Sullivan, E.V., & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (1998). Sniffing and smelling: Separate subsystems in the human olfactory cortex. Nature, 391, 282-286. 


Stinky Research

Recognizing different chemicals in the environment is one of the evolutionarily oldest senses. Over the millennia, this sense differentiated into olfactory and gustatory senses. Taste and smell are still very tightly interrelated - this becomes personally evident when you can't taste anything when you have a bad cold. 

Olfaction is difficult to study. Although research has shown that people can distinguish as many as 10,000 different odors, we have no way of classifying these odors. Color, brightness, tone, and loudness - characteristics of more commonly and thoroughly studied vision and audition - can be classified according physical scales. How would you categorize the smell of a rose versus a wood fire versus chlorine? It appears that there may be a number of different odor receptors, each specialized for particular types of chemicals. Thus rose-like odors may stimulate one type of receptor and fire-like odors may stimulate another in the olfactory system, much like bright light and colors stimulate cones and dim light stimulates rods in the visual system. 

Sobel, Prabhakaran, Desmond, Glover, Goode, Sullivan, and Gabrieli (1998) conducted research that indicates that olfaction is made up of two separate processes, sniffing and smelling. 

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Article Summary

Researchers have determined that the piriform cortex at the base of the temporal lobe is activated during olfaction in a variety of animals, including rats, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, and hedgehogs. Sobel, Prabhakaran, Desmond, Glover, Goode, Sullivan, and Gabrieli (1998) were interested in whether humans show similar cortical activity during olfaction. They used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which measures blood oxygen levels in different areas of the brain, and made an interesting discovery about olfactory processes. Their findings suggest that there are two olfactory processes, sniffing and smelling. 

Sobel et al. first examined brain activation while people sniffed. Sniffing plain air resulted in activation in expected subcortical areas and in the piriform cortex at the base of the temporal lobe. This is the same cortical area activated in many different animals that have been studied using electrophysiological recordings. Furthermore, the left piriform cortex was more strongly activated than the right piriform. 

Sobel et al. wondered whether this cortical activation was a result of motor activity associated with sniffing. To examine the role of motor activity related to sniffing, they scanned people under three conditions, sniffing with a blocked nose to prevent air flow in the nostrils, puffing air into the nostrils to simulate the air flow associated with sniffing but without associated motor activity, and sniffing through partly blocked nostrils. People who sniffed with blocked noses, thus performing a sniff but without air flow occurring in the nostrils, showed no piriform activation. Conversely, people who were scanned while air was puffed into their nostrils, thus simulating the air flow part of a sniff but without motor activity, showed strong activation of the piriform cortex. Finally, sniffing with a partly blocked nose resulted in partial piriform activation. These findings indicate that piriform activity is not due to the motor activity of sniffing. 

To rule out the possibility that the cortical activity is an artifact of air pressure changes around the nasal passages, and not truly a sensory process, Sobel conducted two additional studies. In the first, people sniffed before and after application of a topical anaesthetic. The piriform cortex was not activated when people sniffed with numb nostrils. Sobel et al. also scanned a woman with a severed left olfactory nerve. There was no piriform activation when she sniffed with her left nostril but there was significant activation when she sniffed through her right nostril. Thus, nerve conduction appears to be essential for the cortical activation to occur. 

Based on these two sets of findings, Sobel et al. concluded that piriform activation is due to the sensation of air flow in the nostrils. They speculate that this sensation may be an attention mechanism. The sensation of air flow may "prime" the olfactory system for the imminent arrival of some odor to be identified. 

Sobel differentiated sniffing and smelling in an additional set of scans. They scanned people while they sniffed plain air or an odorant. The odorant led to additional activation of the right anterior and lateral portions of the orbital-frontal cortex at the base of the frontal lobe. 

Besides shedding light on olfaction, Sobel et al.'s research has some interesting implications for understanding degenerative diseases. For example, people who have Parkinson's disease, a gradually debilitating motor disease, complain about losing their sense of smell. Maybe this symptom isnÕt some odd artifact of a motor disease but a loss of the ability to sniff. Olfactory deficits are also associated with schizophrenia; in this case, frontal lobe damage might lead to the inability to smell even though sniffing is intact. 

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For Instructors

Links to the Lecture

Although designed for a high school biology course, this Genentech site outlines interesting activities for exploring the relationship between olfaction and memory.
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For Students

About the Authors

Noam Sobel and Vivek Prabhakaran are neuroscience program graduate students, John Desmond is a psychology research associate, Gary Glover is a professor of radiology, Richard Goode is a professor of surgery, and Edith Sullivan and John Gabrieli are professors in the neuroscience program at Stanford University. Dr. Gabrieli oversees an active cognitive neurosciences research lab

About the Journal

Nature publishes a wide variety of articles in the natural and physical sciences. Check out Nature's science update for interesting science news. 

Links to Life

Learn more about olfaction (and all the other senses) at this detailed site from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Here's another site with a thorough coverage of olfaction. 

This press release also includes the fMRI results from the article. 

Here is an excellent resource on Parkinson's disease, a common neurological disease. Recent research on olfactory and other deficits is shedding light on Parkinson's disease as well as on the function of the nervous system in general. 

Here's an interesting application of research on olfaction; check out this Web article on police dog training. 

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