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Reading Reports of Empirical Studies

The Results section contains the summaries and analyses of the measures obtained in the study. This is where the "answers" to the research questions will be found. The following questions will help you evaluate the results: 
  • What are the main results of the study? 
  • Can the results be used to answer the research question(s)? 
  • Can the results be generalized beyond the context of the study? 
You need to understand what the results are before you can think critically about them. This can be a tough task if you don't know a whole lot about statistics and how to interpret them. A good way to start to understand the results is to study the figures and tables. Then read the text for the researchers' interpretations. Try this with the article then work through the summary and questions below. 


What are the main results of the study?  Can the results be used to answer the research question(s)?self-test

Can the results be generalized beyond the context of the study? self-test


Explicit Memory

Eich et al. analyzed free recall of the words that the participants had rated on visual imagery and pleasantness as a measure of explicit memory.  The results are show in the left part of Figure 1, cued recall.  Personality 1 (P1) could remember close to 50% of the words he/she had previously encountered but couldn't recall many words that Personality 2 (P2) had encountered.  Similarly, P2 couldn't recall the words P1 had rated. 

Implicit Memory - Word-Stem Completion

Performance by the different personalities on the word stem completion task is shown in the right side of Figure 1.  P1 completed about 30% of the stems with a word he/she had previously encountered but very few stems with a word P2 had rated.  Similarly, P2 completed very few stems with words P1 had rated. 

Implicit Memory - Picture-Fragment Completion

Figure 2 shows the first and second completions of the picture fragments.  The first time through the task, the participants needed to see close to 6 parts, on average, of the picture before correct identification.  The second time through the task, all personalities - regardless of which personality had completed the picture the first time - completed the pictures in significantly fewer parts, about 4.5 parts, on average. 

[Please remember to complete the evaluation survey for this Reading the Research. The evaluation  link is on the References page at the end of this module. Thanks!]

read.gif (919 bytes)   Reading the Research Questions to Consider
  Title Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion References