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Personality: Overheads


Personality as behaviour traits
Personality as adaptation

  • Personality and learning
  • Development
Personality as mental processes

What is personality?

Definition: Enduring individual differences in patterns of behaviour, cognition, affect.

Three types of theories:

  • Traits
  • Adaptation 
  • Mental processes


Adaptation: What is the function of personality?

Ultimate explanations

Evolutionary survival value Proximate explanations Individual development Ultimate explanations

Personality as adaptation to life conditions

Pumpkinseed fish

  • Shoreline habitat
    • Open water habitat

    Bred together, Raised in different habitats

  • Genetic influences on behaviour
  • Environmental influences on behaviour
  • Ultimate/Proximate explanations

    Personality as alternative problem-solving strategies

    Personality and avoidance learning in guppies

      Personality test example:

    Record and classify guppy behaviour


    Guppy personality dimensions

    • Approach (Hi - Lo)
      • Exploration
      • Sociability
    • Fear Avoidance (Hi - Lo)
      • Behavioural inhibition
      • Active escape


    Personality and avoidance learning

    Avoidance learning

    Avoidance learning task:

    Learning as a function of personality
    Exploration-Hi Exploration-Lo
    Fearful slow learning very slow learning
    Bold slow learning quick learning


    Proximate explanations

    Roots of personality laid down early in life:

    Longitudinal study of children born 1972/73 in NZ

    Age 21 - risky behaviours identified (<25% of cohort)

      alcohol abuse 
      dangerous driving
      unsafe sex 
      violent crime 
    Risky behavior at age 21 related to personality at age 18 lo Harm Avoidance 
    lo Traditionalism 
    lo Control
    lo Social Closeness
    hi Aggression

    hi Negative Emotionality 
    lo Constraint

    These risk-takers with these personality traits were Undercontrolled at age 3

    Confident at age 3

    Conclusion: Temperament--->Personality---> Behaviour