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Single Gene Disorders

Punnett Squares

Chromosome Disorders

Polygenetic Effects



Francis Galton (1822-1911)

John Stuart Mill (1806-1874)

Correlation Coefficients

IQ Correlation in Twins

For siblings raised together:

For identical twins raised apart:

Genetic component in IQ

The Environmental Influence

Non-related children raised in the same home

Young children

Older children


IQ and Race

Genes or environment?

French study

American study



Affects both sexes equally

1% of the population worldwide


Genes and Schizophrenia

Franz Kallmann (1938)

Twin studies

Monozygotic twins

Fraternal twins and non-twin siblings

General population


Environment and Schizophrenia

Could high monozygotic twin concordance be due to:

More adoptee studies


Schizophrenia is not a single gene disorder

Schizophrenia is a polygenetic effect

Pre-natal flu

Chapter 3 in Capsule

Nature and Nurture

DNA, Chromosomes, Genes, Proteins

Genotype, Phenotype, Dominant, Recessive

Genetic diversity

Mendelian genetics, Punnett squares

Single gene disorders

Chromosome disorders

Polygenetic effects on behaviour


Intelligence and IQ


Thoughts for the Bus Ride Home

Why are adoption studies so important in psychology?


What does a correlation coefficient tell you?


Luke Skywalker is a powerful Jedi Knight. He is strong in the ways of the Force. Yoda and Obi wan said the Force was strong in Luke's family. Hence, we assume there is a genetic component to being able to use the Force. Let us assume that the Force gene is recessive (otherwise the galaxy would be full of lightsabre swinging Jedi Knights). If Luke's father (the infamous Darth Vader) had been homozygous recessive, and his mother had been heterozygous recessive, what percentage chance was there that Luke would be homozygous recessive for the Force gene? How about for his twin sister, Princess Leia?

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