Famous (or Infamous?) Psychologists, Living and Dead
Adler, Alfred
Bandura, Albert
Binet, Alfred
Calkins, Mary Whiton
- Women Quotes. One exceedingly short quotation from Calkins buried deep in a list of other quotations.
Cartwright, Rosalind
- Sleep Disorder Center, Dept. Psychology, Rush University; director: Rosilind Cartwright. Nothing really about Cartwright here, but she's department chair here.
Dement, William
Donders, Franciscus Cornelis (1818-1889)
Fechner, Gustav (1801-1887)
Freud, Sigmund
von Helmholtz, Herman Ludwig Ferdinand (1821-1894)
Hollingworth, Leta Stetter
Hubel, David (1926- )
Hull, Clark
James, William (1842-1910)
Jung, Carl G. (1875-1961)
- Public Domain Image of C.G. Jung. A sketch of Jung.
- Inner City Books. A publishing house devoted exclusively to publishing works of Jungian psychologists. Of dubious value as a biographical source, it might still have some value in terms of seeing where Jungian work has gone to over the years.
- Neft's Carl Gustav Jung Homepage. Biographical information and a photo of Jung. Also a number of links to other Jung pages.
- Carl Jung: Anthology. A sampling of Jung's writings on a number of topics. Plenty of excellently quotable material on topics including anima, archetypes, good and evil, psychoanalysis, etc.
- JungWeb. A variety of information on Jung available on the Net.
Maslow, Abraham
Pavlov, Ivan
Piaget, Jean (1896-1980)
Plomin, Robert
Rescorla, Robert
Rogers, Carl
Simon, Herbert
Skinner, B.F.
Sperry, Roger (1913-1994)
Treisman, Anne
Walter, Grey
- Intelligent Autonomous Systems Engineering Laboratory. Has links to other Walter information, including the restoration of one of Walter's original robots.
- The Grey Walter Online Archive. Brief account of the whereabouts of Walter's six original turtle robots. A short description of the scientific reason for constructing the turtles. Plenty of photos of the recovered and restored turtle.
- Dead Inventers' Corner: W. Grey Walter. A Discovery Channel Online page. A nice capsual summary of Walter's work with the turtle robots and their purpose. Also some historical information on how popularly the turtle robots were received in the early 1950s. Some really good photographs of Walter with his robots.
Watson, John B.
Washburn, Margaret Floy
Wertheimer, Max
Wundt, Wilhelm (1832-1920)