Week 3 Overheads
Distance Estimation

Collett and Harkness (1982): Chameleons
- Arboreal lizards
- Take gap or detour?
Morris Water Maze
Morris (1981)
- Circular tank, opaque water, platform
- platform fixed location, visible
- plaftorm random location, visible
- platform fixed location, hidden
- platform random location, hidden
- Train: single release point --- Test: different release points
- Similarity to hoverfly situation
Gobies and Tide Pools
Aronsen (1971)
- Gobies are small tide pool fish
- Change pools
- Without high tide: 15% of fish to main tank
- With high tide: 97% of fish to main tank
- 40 day delay after high tide...fish remember position of main tank
Tortoise Calcium Mines
Marlow and Tollestrup (1982)
- Desert tortoises dig calcium mines
- Use same mines for years
- Foraging range: 100 m diameter from home burrow
- Mine location: several hundred meters from home burrow
- Direct path to mine from burrow
- Spatial (landmark) memory
Amphiprion and Anemones
Mariscal (1971)
- Symbiotic relationship
- Home anemone
- Wild and laboratory studies
- Spatial location first, anemone second
Sciurid Feed Station
Devenport and Devenport (1994)
- Ground dwelling sciurids (chipmunks, ground squirrels)
- Preferentially revisit original feeder location
- Hierarchical spatial cues
- External landmarks, visual cues
- Caching behaviour?
Sex Differences in Deer Mice
Xia and Millar (1986)
- Hypotheses
- dispersion of each sex is not independent of the other sex
- within-sex avoidance and between-sex association
- probability of adult female with same sex neighbor less than probability of adult male with same sex neighor
- Predation issue
- Energy requirements
- Laboratory vs. field studies
Tiger Salamander Route Fidelity
Loredo, van Vuren, and Morrison (1996)
- Suggest route fidelity
- Adults: to ponds in autumn
- Juveniles: away from ponds in spring
- Burrow habitation
- Opportunistic? Remembered?
Range Fidelity
Rautenstrach and Krausman (1989)
- Xeric condition mule deer habitat
- Males: all migratory. Females: half migratory.
- Resource (water) uncertainty
Brown (1992)
- Idaho
- RAnge fidelity: 100 per cent females, 92 per cent males
- Less attachment to winter than summer ranges
- Seasonal weather severity
Histol and Hjeljord (1993)
- Norway moose
- Winter range fidelity (especially migrating moose)
- Migrating/nonmigrating foraging differences
- Nutrient requirements
Screaming Hairy Armadillos
Cassini (1993)
- Foraging patch study
- Marginal value theorem
- Random or systematic foraging patterns?
- V-shaped alley with patches at arm ends
- No random search found: armadillos used systematic pattern
- Within patch spiral search pattern
- Between patch and within patch
- Systematic search seen across species
Puerto Rican Frogs
Gonser and Woolbright (1995)
- Eleutherodactylus conqui
- Tree frogs
- Displacement experiments
- Auditory or olfactory cues?
Newt Navigation
Phillips, Adler, and Borland (1995)
- Claim true navigation
- Controlled for compass cues during transport
- Transported newts from ponds to research station
- Orient towards home pond
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