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The Pros and Cons of this Course
Why Should You Take This Course?
If you found the material of PSYCO 281 interesting, and would like to explore further the procedures discussed in that course, then PSYCO 482 would be of interest to you. The course will survey some of the techniques used to study habituation, Pavlovian conditioning, and operant conditioning. It would be especially appropriate for students interested in further study in the field of learning and behaviour.
Why Should You Not Take This Course?
The course will involve a lot of time handling laboratory rats. Although it's nothing like the Venice sewer scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you must be willing to work with rats to be part of this course. Laboratory rats, like other animals, sometimes trigger allergic reactions. If you are prone to allergies, you should consider this as a possible hazard. Also, there is a small risk of being bitten while handling rats. |
Site Created: 19 November 1998 Last updated: 19 November 1998
Michael R. Snyder <>