Motivation and Reward




Complementary and influential

Central pattern generators

Physiology and Drives

"Tissue needs"


Regulatory drive

Non-regulatory drive

Drives as Brain States

Central-state theory of drives



Hypothalamus as Hub of Central Drive System

Near brainstem

Tracts to many brain areas

Linked to autonomic system


Hypothalamic Control of Hunger

Lateral area

Ventromedial area

Inhibitory connections

More generally...

Lateral hypothalamus

Ventromedial hypothalamus

Diet pills

Sleeping and Dreaming

Sleep as a drive

Altered state of consciousness

Electroencephalograms (EEGs)

Alpha waves

Beta waves

Sleep cycles

Stage 1

Stages 2 and 3

Stage 4

Cycle through:


How's and Why's of Sleep?

Biological rhythm

Slow-wave sleep

REM sleep


Freudian dream theory

Activation-synthesis hypothesis

Synaptic exercise

Neurological and psychoanalytical

Driven to Ask:

"Diet pills control my life!" What do the diet pills actually control?

During mid-term week is more sleep really the answer to your problems?

Do dreams cause REM patterns, or is it the other way around?

Fish do not dream. Reptiles do, but only show "proto-dreams" (barely enter REM-like states). Birds dream for several seconds at a time. Mammals dream for longer periods the more related they are to humans. Humans dream more than any other animal. Is there an evolutionary reason for this pattern? How about an environmental reason?

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